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Apprenticeship Initial Assessment Questionnaire


These will open in a new tab. Either download them, print and complete, or do so in the browser. Don’t forget to save and keep notes of your score, to insert below.

  1. Click here for the Honey and Mumford learning Styles Analysis
  2. Click here for the VAK Learning Styles Analysis.
  3. Click here for the Privacy Notice
Apprenticeship Initial Assessment

Initial Assessment

Do you intend to continue learning at a higher level on completion


You will be registered for a Unique Learner Number (ULN) which will involve disclosing some personal information. Please read the privacy notice at (copy and paste into a new browser window): Have you read and understood the privacy notice.

Learning Styles

in this section we will ask you to complete a questionnaire relating to the style of learning you are most suited to. Click the links at the top of the page to access the forms. If you have done one in the past, but recently, you can use those results. Work out your scores and put them below:
Have you done any distance learning before?


I Confirm that the information I have given in this form is correct and that I am eligible to start my learning programme. I also confirm that I am aware of no issues that will prevent me from completing the programme