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Functional Skills English Level 2


Level 2 English for Apprentices. Works out about half a GCSE.

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Functional Skills English

The Functional Skills English qualifications provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against demanding content that is relevant to the workplace. As such, the qualifications assess learners’ underpinning subject knowledge and their ability to apply this knowledge to different contexts. Furthermore, they provide a foundation for progression to employment and further technical education. Additionally, it helps learners to develop skills for everyday life. In some contexts, these qualifications will also play a part in the government’s accountability systems.



Functional Skills English Qualification Purpose

The Pearson Edexcel Qualification is for learners to develop the fundamental understanding and skills in English.

The qualifications give learners the opportunity to:

● Firstly, gain a qualification for work, study and life
● Secondly, demonstrate the ability at an appropriate level to read, write, speak, listen and communicate in English
● Thirdly, apply these skills effectively to a range of purposes in the workplace and in other real life situations.


For further information on the unit, please click here.



Speaking, listening and communicating is assessed through one 3-minute talk and linked question and answer session per learner in groups of three to four and one 10-minute formal  discussion together in groups of three to five learners.

Reading is assessed through a test comprised of controlled response and open response questions.

Writing is assessed through a test comprised of two tasks. (42% of marks assesses spelling, punctuation and grammar)



Time Needed

The Total Qualification Time (TQT) for the Functional Skills qualification in English at Level 2 is 65 hours.
The Guided Learning Hours (GLH) for the Functional Skills qualification in English at Level 2 is 55.



This qualification can be studies online via our BKSB portal. It will carry out a Diagnostic Assessment where your strengths and weaknesses are discovered and an Individual Learning Plan is produced for you to work through.


Functional Skills English Assessment

When you are ready, you will sit the online exam at your location. You will be tested under exam conditions and it lasts approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.

We can provide past papers so that you can practice to make sure you are ready.

Where can I contact you if I have questions?

If you have any queries regarding the post above, please contact us here.







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