L4 NVQ Engineering Manufacture
What is the L4 NVQ in Engineering Manufacture?
The L4 NVQ Engineering Manufacture is a practical, competence based qualification that includes elements of shop floor manufacturing skills, ( you can choose either Engineering Practices of Technical Support).
Then a deeper delve into either Research, Design, New Product Design and Introduction or Engineering and Manufacture. Then a bit of Administration and Management, followed by some Business Improvement Techniques.
What is an NVQ?
National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) or Competence-based qualifications reflect the skills and knowledge needed to do a job effectively. They are work-based qualifications that give learners the opportunity to demonstrate their competence in the area of work or job role to which the qualification relates.
NVQs/Competence-based qualifications are outcomes-based with no fixed learning programme, allowing flexibility in their delivery to meet the individual learner’s needs. The qualifications are based on the National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the sector, which define what employees, or potential employees, must be able to do and know, and how well they should undertake work tasks and work roles.
Who is the L4 NVQ Engineering Manufacture course for?
The L4 NVQ Engineering Manufacture is for those who work in a management role.
How long do I get to complete this qualification?
You are allowed 12 months to complete from registration. Your progress can be monitored in OneFile as we will program your start and finish dates. If you do not complete within the given time, you can extend on a unit by unit basis at the individual unit price.
Qualification Structure?
Mandatory Units
Complying with Statutory Regulations and Organisational Safety Requirements
Group A – Performing Engineering Operations (3 of the following or APL if you already have them)
-Producing Mechanical Engineering Drawings using a CAD System
-Producing Components using Hand Fitting Techniques
-Producing Mechanical Assemblies
-Forming and Assembling Pipework Systems
…Choice of 73 different units
Group B – Performing Engineering Operations – Technical Support (one of the following)
-Producing Mechanical Engineering Drawings using a CAD System
-Producing Electrical or Electronic Engineering Drawings using a CAD System
-Producing CAD Models (Drawings) using a CAD System
Plus 2 of the following:
-Producing Engineering Project Plans
-Using Computer Software Packages to Assist with Engineering Activities
-Conducting Business Improvement Activities
Plus 2 more from the following
-General Machining, Fitting and Assembly Applications
-General Fabrication and Welding Applications
-General Electrical and Electronic Engineering Applications
-General Maintenance Engineering Applications
Engineering Manufacture (11 units total)
Group C Units (3 units min)
-Identify and Define Areas of Engineering Research
-Develop a Research Methodology for Engineering
-Propose and Specify Engineering Research
-Undertake Engineering Research
-Identify Engineering Design Requirements of Clients
-Establish an Engineering Design Brief
-Develop a Strategy for the Engineering Design Process
-Create Engineering Designs
-Evaluate Engineering Designs
New Product Design and Introduction
-Contribute to a Team Feasibility Review of a New Product Design
-Control the New Product Design Change Process
-Plan and Control New Product Design Benchmarking Activities
-Establish New Product Development and Introduction Brief
-Produce and Evaluate Conceptual Design Options for New Products
-Verify New Product Designs using a Computer Model
-Verify New Product Designs using a Physical Model
-Produce New Product Designs for Manufacture and Assembly
-Plan and Control New Product Manufacturing Process Benchmarking Activities
-Establish Manufacturing Process Design Brief for New Product Introduction
-Develop a New Product Manufacturing Process Design Strategy
-Develop a New Product Manufacturing Process Flow and Floor Plan Layout
-Plan and Manage the Installation of the New Product Manufacturing Process
-Commission a New Product Manufacturing Process
Engineering and Manufacture
-Solve Engineering or Manufacturing Problems
-Undertake Project Management Activities
-Determine the Requirements for Engineering Activities
-Produce Engineering Specifications
-Specify Methods and Procedures to Achieve Engineering Requirements
-Schedule Engineering Activities
-Obtain Resources for the Implementation of Engineering Activities
-Implement Engineering Processes
-Monitor and Evaluate Engineering Processes
………………choice of 66 units
(1 Unit from Group D or E minimum)
Group D Units
-Build, support and manage a team
-Develop, maintain and review personal networks
-Review risk management processes in own area of responsibility
-Know how to follow disciplinary procedures
………..choice of 27 units
Group E Units
Business Improvement Techniques
-Leading workplace organisation activities
-Leading continuous improvement (Kaizen) activities
-Leading the development of visual management systems
… ……..choice of 18 units
Where can I contact you if I have questions?
If you have any queries regarding the post above, please contact us here.
For further information on this Level 4 Extended Diploma in Engineering Manufacture, please click here.