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Engineering Operations Questionnaire

Please complete the following questions to determine which units your learner/apprentice can select from to complete the foundation phase Level 2 Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (Foundation Competence)

Pre- Diploma Engineering Foundation Competence Questionnaire
Have you thought about allocating a member of your team as a mentor?

For the Diploma, 10 units are needed, 4 of which are mandatory.

The other 6 units will depend on what work you do in the workplace.  The unit title give a good indication of what the content is. So please select at least 6 units which you will be asked further questions on. These are to check you have the correct facilities, tools and test equipment available in order to provide evidence.

If you are unable to fully cover 6 optional units, then we can look at a different qualification.

Which of the following unit title matches the work takes place in your facility (6 needed)