IET Approval
Semester: Learning & Development Ltd was recently successful in gaining approved apprenticeship status from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) for their Engineering competency based (NVQ) apprenticeship programmes.
The IET approves apprenticeships delivered by other organisations that have the potential to deliver the competencies required for professional registration, usually at EngTech or ICTTech level but occasionally at IEng level. Registration, awarded by the Engineering Council, is only available to professional, competent technicians and engineers, and is recognised throughout the world.
An IET Approved Apprenticeship demonstrates the Semester: Learning & Development Ltd’s commitment to development and progression, and endorses the quality of the Company’s scheme against IET benchmarks and provides the apprentice with access to the resources of the IET.
The approval process involves an assessment by trained and experienced engineers who consider a range of evidence including roles undertaken by apprentices, how the scheme supports the wider business and mentoring and support available to apprentices.
IET Accreditation Manager, Dan Canty said: “The IET congratulates Semester: Learning & Development on being awarded approval status, which demonstrates that they maintain the highest standards of quality, content, technician support and assessment and continuously improve on those standards.”